In the Bible, refusing to mention the name of a god
means refusing to worship that particular god (Ex.
23:13) and that is what befell the Israelites, by
means of the prophets of Baal, who turned Israel
away from using the name of YAHUAH. Jeremiah
23:27, “Which think to cause my people to forget
my name by their dreams which they tell every man
to his neighbour, as their fathers have forgotten my
name for Baal.” Zondervan Pictorial Bible Dictionary
states, “To forget God’s name is to depart from
Him.”[78] The name of the Most High has been
forgotten, thereby he has converted into a nameless
god. The words “lord”, and “god” are generic titles
given to any false deity. They are terms that have
no remembrance with the Father, and his prophets
have constantly warned Israel of giving him false
names. Jeremiah 13:25, “This is thy lot, the portion
of thy measures from me, saith YAHUAH; because
thou hast forgotten me, and trusted in falsehood.”
The Jews have taken the name of YAHUAH in vain;
by telling the lie that the name of the Father, was
too holy to utter, taking the Sacred name of
YAHUAH from all Scriptures, and replacing his name
with “Lord”, or “God”. By coercing humankind into
removing YAHUAH’s name from the Scriptures, they
have in effect, eliminated all mention of the Most
High from the lips of humankind. Martin Luther
(1483-1546 CE), a German monk, priest, and
professor of theology, once stated in 1543 “That
they [the Jews] now allege the name Jehovah
(YAHUAH) to be unpronounceable, they do not know
what they are talking about. All things considered,
there is something foul.”[108] This travesty of
forgetting the name of YAHUAH has been shoved
down the throats of millions of Christians. It is to
the point, that most either do not know the name,
or think that the name was somehow lost in history.
Some even go as far as to say that his name is too
hard to pronounce, and that no man can pronounce
it. These superstitious, and dare I say it,
“blasphemous” beliefs are obviously the work of
something, or someone sinister. Psalm 68:4, “Sing
unto the ALMIGHTY, sing praises to his name: extol
him that rideth upon the heavens by his name JAH
(YAH), and rejoice before him”. Psalm 148:13, “Let
them praise the NAME of YAHUAH: for his NAME
alone is excellent; his glory is above the earth and
heaven.” Leviticus 22:32, “Neither shall ye profane
my holy name; but I will be hallowed among the
children of Israel: I am YAHUAH which hallow you.”
How can man praise, worship, honor, or glorify the
name of the Father, if he is not set apart from any
other gods? Better yet, how can you praise the
name of the Father, and not even use his name?
The titles “lord” and “god” do not distinguish or
denote who or what one is referring to when uttering
them. They are titles conferred upon anyone, or
anything worshipped. If someone says, “I love the
lord”, the question is—what lord? There are many
“lords” and “gods”, how does one separate one god
from another? There is a god for everything under
the sun, not excluding the sun itself. It is very
similar to the “apps” on a Smartphone; if one were
to pray for money saying, “Please lord, I need
money”, guess what, “there’s a god for that!” His
name is Gad, the “god” of fortune. Over 80 times
does the Bible speak of the holiness of YAHUAH;
he is set apart (holy), and there is none other like
him, nor is there any that can compare to him.
Isaiah 40:25, “To whom then will ye liken me, or
shall I be equal? Saith the Holy One.” Psalms 99:3,
“Let them praise thy great and terrible NAME; for it
is HOLY.” Leviticus 11:44, “For I am YAHUAH thy
God: ye shall therefore sanctify yourselves, and ye
shall be HOLY; for I am HOLY:” 1 Samuel 2:2,
“There is none holy as YAHUAH for there is none
beside thee: neither is there any rock like our
YAHUAH.” 1 Chronicles 16:10, “Glory ye in his
HOLY NAME: let the heart of them rejoice that seek
YAHUAH.” Psalms 22:3, “But thou art HOLY, O thou
that inhabitest the praises of Israel.” Psalms
145:21, “My mouth shall speak the praise of
YAHUAH: and let all flesh bless his HOLY NAME
forever and ever.” A.B. Traina, in the Preface of the
Holy Name Bible, states; “...the most common
“error” made by most translators of the Bible in the
last 3500 their elimination of heaven’s
revealed Name of the Most High, YAHWEH.” The
1872 edition of Smith’s Bible Dictionary states;
“The substitution of the word “Lord” is most
unhappy; for… it in no way represents the meaning
of the sacred name (YHWH)...” When Christianity
became the State Religion of Rome, all attempts to
blot out the Hebrew origins of God (YAHUAH) were
employed, and the removal of the Fathers name
from the Holy Bible was a major attempt to toss
His Hebrew heritage into obscurity. It was by this,
at the Council of Nicaea that Rome voted to adopt
the “Trinity doctrine” of the numerous pagan
religions in the empire. The Name of YAHUAH
interfered and hindered the newly adopted teaching;
that Jesus was the Almighty Creator. Rome made
sure her translators removed the name of the Most
High nearly seven thousand times from the Bible.
There are a few witnesses to this, one can be found
in “the Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics; The
Bible in the Church”, which states; “In the first two
centuries nearly all the various readings of the New
Testament came into existence, the majority of
them by deliberate alteration of the the
interests of (the trinity) dogma…”[80] Another
witness to this can be found in the magazine,
Fraternal Visitor; translated from Christadelphian
Monatshefte, which states; “Codex B
(Vaticanus)...was altered by a later hand in more
than two thousand places. Eusebius, therefore, is
not without grounds for accusing the adherents
of...the newly-risen doctrine of the trinity of
falsifying the Bible...” [109] The distinction between
YAHUAH and Jesus had been deliberately blurred,
further establishing the false deification of Jesus, as
well as adopting the solar aspects of pagan sun
gods; e.g., Horus, Tammuz, Mithras, Apollo, and
Krishna. The titles “lord” and “god”, also were
added to confuse the reader into believing the false
doctrine of the “trinity”. “The removal of the
Tetragrammaton (YHWH) from the New Testament
and its replacement with the surrogates KYRIOS and
THEOS blurred, the original distinction between the
Lord God and the Lord Christ, and in many
passages made it impossible as to which one was
meant. As time went was often impossible
to distinguish between them. Thus it may be that
the removal of the Tetragrammaton (YHWH)
contributed significantly to the later Trinity.” [110]
(“The Name of God in the New Testament”, George
Howard) It is important to remember the Scriptures,
and come to the understanding that the name of the
Most High should not be forgotten, and any
alteration to this, is a direct violation of his
Commandment. It has become a tradition of the so-
called “Jews” to avoid using the Most High’s name
altogether. They stopped all mention of him, no
longer using the divine name of YAHUAH in their
prayers, declaring it a sin to utter his name aloud.
They considered it “blasphemy” to speak the name
of YAHUAH. This ideology is nowhere in the
Scriptures, and has no way of being substantiated.
Just like modern religion itself, man has been
duped into believing what they are told, with no
proof provided. These manufactured traditions have
distanced humanity from the true worship and
praise of YAHUAH; calling on “lords” and “gods”,
clinging to man’s tradition of believing that, “he
knows our hearts”. What he knows in our hearts is
that we have forgotten him, and have not made one-
step towards remembering him in truth. The
average Christian cannot honestly think that the
Father knows their heart, and that he knows they
are worshipping, and praying to him, when he also
knows that they have no idea exactly who they are
worshipping and praying to. The name of the Most
High sets him apart from all others, the same way
the average person is set apart by name. For
example; if you were to walk in a room, in which
everyone’s name was the exact same, and yelled
that name, how would anyone in that room know
who you were referring to? This method would leave
no distinction between gods. There are some who
would argue; that because they refer to him as the
“Creator”, this distinguishes him from all other
gods. This is, in actuality, very far from the truth.
There is a plethora of “creator gods” all over the
world, all of which are referred to as “god”, or “the
creator”; like the African god, Mbombo of Bakuba,
who vomited out the world upon feeling a stomach
ache, or the Japanese deity power couple, Izanagi
and Izanami-no-Mikoto, who churned the ocean with
a spear, creating the islands of Japan and the rest
of the world, or the Hindu deities Vishnu and Shiva,
who are said to be two of “the five primary forms
of god”, responsible for the creation, maintenance
and destruction of the universe. [256] So we can
easily see how the use of “titles” holds no means
of distinguishing one god from another.
means refusing to worship that particular god (Ex.
23:13) and that is what befell the Israelites, by
means of the prophets of Baal, who turned Israel
away from using the name of YAHUAH. Jeremiah
23:27, “Which think to cause my people to forget
my name by their dreams which they tell every man
to his neighbour, as their fathers have forgotten my
name for Baal.” Zondervan Pictorial Bible Dictionary
states, “To forget God’s name is to depart from
Him.”[78] The name of the Most High has been
forgotten, thereby he has converted into a nameless
god. The words “lord”, and “god” are generic titles
given to any false deity. They are terms that have
no remembrance with the Father, and his prophets
have constantly warned Israel of giving him false
names. Jeremiah 13:25, “This is thy lot, the portion
of thy measures from me, saith YAHUAH; because
thou hast forgotten me, and trusted in falsehood.”
The Jews have taken the name of YAHUAH in vain;
by telling the lie that the name of the Father, was
too holy to utter, taking the Sacred name of
YAHUAH from all Scriptures, and replacing his name
with “Lord”, or “God”. By coercing humankind into
removing YAHUAH’s name from the Scriptures, they
have in effect, eliminated all mention of the Most
High from the lips of humankind. Martin Luther
(1483-1546 CE), a German monk, priest, and
professor of theology, once stated in 1543 “That
they [the Jews] now allege the name Jehovah
(YAHUAH) to be unpronounceable, they do not know
what they are talking about. All things considered,
there is something foul.”[108] This travesty of
forgetting the name of YAHUAH has been shoved
down the throats of millions of Christians. It is to
the point, that most either do not know the name,
or think that the name was somehow lost in history.
Some even go as far as to say that his name is too
hard to pronounce, and that no man can pronounce
it. These superstitious, and dare I say it,
“blasphemous” beliefs are obviously the work of
something, or someone sinister. Psalm 68:4, “Sing
unto the ALMIGHTY, sing praises to his name: extol
him that rideth upon the heavens by his name JAH
(YAH), and rejoice before him”. Psalm 148:13, “Let
them praise the NAME of YAHUAH: for his NAME
alone is excellent; his glory is above the earth and
heaven.” Leviticus 22:32, “Neither shall ye profane
my holy name; but I will be hallowed among the
children of Israel: I am YAHUAH which hallow you.”
How can man praise, worship, honor, or glorify the
name of the Father, if he is not set apart from any
other gods? Better yet, how can you praise the
name of the Father, and not even use his name?
The titles “lord” and “god” do not distinguish or
denote who or what one is referring to when uttering
them. They are titles conferred upon anyone, or
anything worshipped. If someone says, “I love the
lord”, the question is—what lord? There are many
“lords” and “gods”, how does one separate one god
from another? There is a god for everything under
the sun, not excluding the sun itself. It is very
similar to the “apps” on a Smartphone; if one were
to pray for money saying, “Please lord, I need
money”, guess what, “there’s a god for that!” His
name is Gad, the “god” of fortune. Over 80 times
does the Bible speak of the holiness of YAHUAH;
he is set apart (holy), and there is none other like
him, nor is there any that can compare to him.
Isaiah 40:25, “To whom then will ye liken me, or
shall I be equal? Saith the Holy One.” Psalms 99:3,
“Let them praise thy great and terrible NAME; for it
is HOLY.” Leviticus 11:44, “For I am YAHUAH thy
God: ye shall therefore sanctify yourselves, and ye
shall be HOLY; for I am HOLY:” 1 Samuel 2:2,
“There is none holy as YAHUAH for there is none
beside thee: neither is there any rock like our
YAHUAH.” 1 Chronicles 16:10, “Glory ye in his
HOLY NAME: let the heart of them rejoice that seek
YAHUAH.” Psalms 22:3, “But thou art HOLY, O thou
that inhabitest the praises of Israel.” Psalms
145:21, “My mouth shall speak the praise of
YAHUAH: and let all flesh bless his HOLY NAME
forever and ever.” A.B. Traina, in the Preface of the
Holy Name Bible, states; “...the most common
“error” made by most translators of the Bible in the
last 3500 their elimination of heaven’s
revealed Name of the Most High, YAHWEH.” The
1872 edition of Smith’s Bible Dictionary states;
“The substitution of the word “Lord” is most
unhappy; for… it in no way represents the meaning
of the sacred name (YHWH)...” When Christianity
became the State Religion of Rome, all attempts to
blot out the Hebrew origins of God (YAHUAH) were
employed, and the removal of the Fathers name
from the Holy Bible was a major attempt to toss
His Hebrew heritage into obscurity. It was by this,
at the Council of Nicaea that Rome voted to adopt
the “Trinity doctrine” of the numerous pagan
religions in the empire. The Name of YAHUAH
interfered and hindered the newly adopted teaching;
that Jesus was the Almighty Creator. Rome made
sure her translators removed the name of the Most
High nearly seven thousand times from the Bible.
There are a few witnesses to this, one can be found
in “the Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics; The
Bible in the Church”, which states; “In the first two
centuries nearly all the various readings of the New
Testament came into existence, the majority of
them by deliberate alteration of the the
interests of (the trinity) dogma…”[80] Another
witness to this can be found in the magazine,
Fraternal Visitor; translated from Christadelphian
Monatshefte, which states; “Codex B
(Vaticanus)...was altered by a later hand in more
than two thousand places. Eusebius, therefore, is
not without grounds for accusing the adherents
of...the newly-risen doctrine of the trinity of
falsifying the Bible...” [109] The distinction between
YAHUAH and Jesus had been deliberately blurred,
further establishing the false deification of Jesus, as
well as adopting the solar aspects of pagan sun
gods; e.g., Horus, Tammuz, Mithras, Apollo, and
Krishna. The titles “lord” and “god”, also were
added to confuse the reader into believing the false
doctrine of the “trinity”. “The removal of the
Tetragrammaton (YHWH) from the New Testament
and its replacement with the surrogates KYRIOS and
THEOS blurred, the original distinction between the
Lord God and the Lord Christ, and in many
passages made it impossible as to which one was
meant. As time went was often impossible
to distinguish between them. Thus it may be that
the removal of the Tetragrammaton (YHWH)
contributed significantly to the later Trinity.” [110]
(“The Name of God in the New Testament”, George
Howard) It is important to remember the Scriptures,
and come to the understanding that the name of the
Most High should not be forgotten, and any
alteration to this, is a direct violation of his
Commandment. It has become a tradition of the so-
called “Jews” to avoid using the Most High’s name
altogether. They stopped all mention of him, no
longer using the divine name of YAHUAH in their
prayers, declaring it a sin to utter his name aloud.
They considered it “blasphemy” to speak the name
of YAHUAH. This ideology is nowhere in the
Scriptures, and has no way of being substantiated.
Just like modern religion itself, man has been
duped into believing what they are told, with no
proof provided. These manufactured traditions have
distanced humanity from the true worship and
praise of YAHUAH; calling on “lords” and “gods”,
clinging to man’s tradition of believing that, “he
knows our hearts”. What he knows in our hearts is
that we have forgotten him, and have not made one-
step towards remembering him in truth. The
average Christian cannot honestly think that the
Father knows their heart, and that he knows they
are worshipping, and praying to him, when he also
knows that they have no idea exactly who they are
worshipping and praying to. The name of the Most
High sets him apart from all others, the same way
the average person is set apart by name. For
example; if you were to walk in a room, in which
everyone’s name was the exact same, and yelled
that name, how would anyone in that room know
who you were referring to? This method would leave
no distinction between gods. There are some who
would argue; that because they refer to him as the
“Creator”, this distinguishes him from all other
gods. This is, in actuality, very far from the truth.
There is a plethora of “creator gods” all over the
world, all of which are referred to as “god”, or “the
creator”; like the African god, Mbombo of Bakuba,
who vomited out the world upon feeling a stomach
ache, or the Japanese deity power couple, Izanagi
and Izanami-no-Mikoto, who churned the ocean with
a spear, creating the islands of Japan and the rest
of the world, or the Hindu deities Vishnu and Shiva,
who are said to be two of “the five primary forms
of god”, responsible for the creation, maintenance
and destruction of the universe. [256] So we can
easily see how the use of “titles” holds no means
of distinguishing one god from another.
Leviticus 26:1 1"'Do not make idols or set up an
image or a sacred stone for yourselves, and do not
place a carved stone in your land to bow down
before it. I am YAUAH the (LORD) your God.
The Second commandment was a commandment
that Israel broke repeatedly; from the time when
Moses went up to Mt. Sinai to receive the ten
commandments, to Israel's captivity in Babylon,
Assyria, and Greece. Let it be known that Israel was
not chosen because of their obedience to the
Exodus 9:7-5, "Not for thy righteousness, or for the
uprightness of thine heart, dost thou go to possess
their land: but for the wickedness of these nations
YAHUAH thy God doth drive them out from before
thee, and that he may perform the word which
YAHUAH swore unto thy fathers, Abraham, Issac,
and Jacob. Understand therefore, that YAHUAH thy
God giveth thee not this good land to possess it for
they righteousness; for thou art a stiffnecked
people. Remember, and forget not, how tho
provokedst YAHUAH thy God to wrath in the
wilderness" from the day that thou didst out of the
land of Egypt, until ye came unto this place, ye have
been rebellious against YAHUAH." "We can read in
Exodus that YAHUAH already knew how stiff-
necked, or “hardheaded” the Israelites were.(Ex.
32:9) YAHUAH states that he did not give Israel the
promised land because they were “righteous”, but
because the people inhabiting that land were
wicked, and abominable to YAHUAH, and he was
fulfilling the promise he made to their forefathers. In
verse seven, YAHUAH is referring back to the 32nd
chapter of Exodus; in this chapter, the Israelites had
been waiting for over a month for Moses to
descend from Mount Sinai, and through their
impatient nature, they demanded Moses’ brother,
Aaron to make them a “physical” god to worship.
Hearing their complaints, Aaron gathered all of the
gold jewelry within the camp, melted it all down and
created a golden calf; by this, the people of Israel
praised the golden calf as their deliverer out of
slavery in Egypt.(Ex. 32:1-5) Therefore, we see
Israel readily sinned just after seeing the Most High
and hearing his voice at the giving of the
Commandments (Ex. 19-20); they still turned to a
false idol, giving the idol honor and glory,
proclaiming it to be the Most High. They even rose
up to have a sexual orgy the next day.(Ex. 32:6)
This blatant back sliding caused YAHUAH to
become exceedingly angry with his people. Exodus
32:7-8, “And YAHUAH said unto Moses, Go, get
thee down; for thy people, which thou (you)
broughtest out of the land of Egypt, have corrupted
themselves: They have turned aside quickly out of
the way which I commanded them: they have made
them a molten calf, and have worshipped it, and
have sacrificed thereunto, and said, These be thy
gods, O Israel, which have brought thee up out of
the land of Egypt.” The Most High was so livid with
Israel, that he was ready to destroy them and start
over with a new nation born of the seed of Moses.
Exodus 32:10, “Now therefore let me alone, that my
wrath may wax hot against them, and that I may
consume them: and I will make of thee a great
nation.” If it were not for our liaison at the time,
Moses, YAHUAH would have surely done away with
Israel at that very moment. This idolatry has not
diminished over the centuries, but has increased to
obscene proportions. It is clear that Idol worship is
a very serious sin, and the Father does not take it
lightly, but we do; we take it very lightly. We
commit idolatry every day, and most of us never
know it. This is due to a lack of knowledge."
Did you know that there is no "J" in Greek or
Hebrew, nor was there a "J" in English for nearly
1700 years? The name "Jesus"…was not used until
after the invention of the printing press and the
letter "J" in the mid to late 17th century, a mere
300 years ago! That means the apostles never even
heard the name "Jesus!" You need to understand the
origins of your beliefs, and why it makes a vital
difference to your personal salvation!
We are told that "Jesus" is the English form of the
Latin form of the Greek form of the Hebrew name,
"יהושע YAHUSHA". But that is not the truth!
In the pagan world of the Greeks, before the real
Savior came, there was a half-deity by the name of
"Iesius" [Ιεσιυς the son of Zeus (& Electra)]. Zeus,
of course was the head of the Greek Pantheon, the
supreme "Father" of the array of deities. Iesius,
(a.k.a.: Iasius, Iasion, Iasus, Iesus, and Iason), was
associated with the eagle, as master of the air, and
was part of the Roman collection of deities as well.
The Koine Greek name Ιεσιυς , "Iesius", also
rendered "iesu-" was carried over to the Old Latin
as, IESU "IESU"- (Latin uncial script, i.e. small
letters, did not exist until after the 2nd century CE).
This eagle deity, "IESU", was the main emblematic
symbol of the Roman republic! It is imperative that
we understand this, because many of our earliest
Bibles were Latin and the Roman emperors were
highly involved in this process!
Leviticus 26:1 1"'Do not make idols or set up an
image or a sacred stone for yourselves, and do not
place a carved stone in your land to bow down
before it. I am YAUAH the (LORD) your God.
The Second commandment was a commandment
that Israel broke repeatedly; from the time when
Moses went up to Mt. Sinai to receive the ten
commandments, to Israel's captivity in Babylon,
Assyria, and Greece. Let it be known that Israel was
not chosen because of their obedience to the
Exodus 9:7-5, "Not for thy righteousness, or for the
uprightness of thine heart, dost thou go to possess
their land: but for the wickedness of these nations
YAHUAH thy God doth drive them out from before
thee, and that he may perform the word which
YAHUAH swore unto thy fathers, Abraham, Issac,
and Jacob. Understand therefore, that YAHUAH thy
God giveth thee not this good land to possess it for
they righteousness; for thou art a stiffnecked
people. Remember, and forget not, how tho
provokedst YAHUAH thy God to wrath in the
wilderness" from the day that thou didst out of the
land of Egypt, until ye came unto this place, ye have
been rebellious against YAHUAH." "We can read in
Exodus that YAHUAH already knew how stiff-
necked, or “hardheaded” the Israelites were.(Ex.
32:9) YAHUAH states that he did not give Israel the
promised land because they were “righteous”, but
because the people inhabiting that land were
wicked, and abominable to YAHUAH, and he was
fulfilling the promise he made to their forefathers. In
verse seven, YAHUAH is referring back to the 32nd
chapter of Exodus; in this chapter, the Israelites had
been waiting for over a month for Moses to
descend from Mount Sinai, and through their
impatient nature, they demanded Moses’ brother,
Aaron to make them a “physical” god to worship.
Hearing their complaints, Aaron gathered all of the
gold jewelry within the camp, melted it all down and
created a golden calf; by this, the people of Israel
praised the golden calf as their deliverer out of
slavery in Egypt.(Ex. 32:1-5) Therefore, we see
Israel readily sinned just after seeing the Most High
and hearing his voice at the giving of the
Commandments (Ex. 19-20); they still turned to a
false idol, giving the idol honor and glory,
proclaiming it to be the Most High. They even rose
up to have a sexual orgy the next day.(Ex. 32:6)
This blatant back sliding caused YAHUAH to
become exceedingly angry with his people. Exodus
32:7-8, “And YAHUAH said unto Moses, Go, get
thee down; for thy people, which thou (you)
broughtest out of the land of Egypt, have corrupted
themselves: They have turned aside quickly out of
the way which I commanded them: they have made
them a molten calf, and have worshipped it, and
have sacrificed thereunto, and said, These be thy
gods, O Israel, which have brought thee up out of
the land of Egypt.” The Most High was so livid with
Israel, that he was ready to destroy them and start
over with a new nation born of the seed of Moses.
Exodus 32:10, “Now therefore let me alone, that my
wrath may wax hot against them, and that I may
consume them: and I will make of thee a great
nation.” If it were not for our liaison at the time,
Moses, YAHUAH would have surely done away with
Israel at that very moment. This idolatry has not
diminished over the centuries, but has increased to
obscene proportions. It is clear that Idol worship is
a very serious sin, and the Father does not take it
lightly, but we do; we take it very lightly. We
commit idolatry every day, and most of us never
know it. This is due to a lack of knowledge."
Did you know that there is no "J" in Greek or
Hebrew, nor was there a "J" in English for nearly
1700 years? The name "Jesus"…was not used until
after the invention of the printing press and the
letter "J" in the mid to late 17th century, a mere
300 years ago! That means the apostles never even
heard the name "Jesus!" You need to understand the
origins of your beliefs, and why it makes a vital
difference to your personal salvation!
We are told that "Jesus" is the English form of the
Latin form of the Greek form of the Hebrew name,
"יהושע YAHUSHA". But that is not the truth!
In the pagan world of the Greeks, before the real
Savior came, there was a half-deity by the name of
"Iesius" [Ιεσιυς the son of Zeus (& Electra)]. Zeus,
of course was the head of the Greek Pantheon, the
supreme "Father" of the array of deities. Iesius,
(a.k.a.: Iasius, Iasion, Iasus, Iesus, and Iason), was
associated with the eagle, as master of the air, and
was part of the Roman collection of deities as well.
The Koine Greek name Ιεσιυς , "Iesius", also
rendered "iesu-" was carried over to the Old Latin
as, IESU "IESU"- (Latin uncial script, i.e. small
letters, did not exist until after the 2nd century CE).
This eagle deity, "IESU", was the main emblematic
symbol of the Roman republic! It is imperative that
we understand this, because many of our earliest
Bibles were Latin and the Roman emperors were
highly involved in this process!
The EVIDENCE of the Correct/True Names ..Enjoy!
Names give IDENTITY.
i·den·ti·ty [ahy-den-ti-tee, i-den-] -noun
1. the condition of being oneself or itself, and not
2. condition or character as to who a person or
what a thing is.
3. the state or fact of being the same one as
The actual word "Name" not only means "character
and reputation" but also a literal written and spoken
word (name).
Strong's gives the definition of the Hebrew word
"shem" which is translated as "name" all throughout
scripture as:
Strong's # 8034 Shem; a primitive word [perhaps
rather from 7760 through the idea of definite and
conspicuous position; compare 8064]; an
appellation, as a MARK or memorial of individuality;
by implication honor, authority, character: - + base,
[in-] fame[-ous], name[-d], renown, report.
It's standard that when we meet someone the first
thing we want to know is their name. Most of the
time parents give their children a name even before
they are born. Imagine parents deciding that a name
wasn't important and therefore making the choice
not to name their child! That would be ludicrous.
Have you ever been around someone for a bit and
they kept calling you the wrong name? It's annoying,
isn't it?
Now, imagine how our Creator feels being that most
of the world doesn't know or care to know His
name! Yet Scripture says in Yeshayahu (sn- Isaiah)
"Therefore My people shall know My Name..."
If you want to be His people, then you must know
His Name. Most of the world calls Him by a
generic title like "God" or "LORD." What most don't
know is that this has been intentionally done by the
"Holy Roman Church," as well as perpetuated by
many "Jewish Rabbis." As a matter of fact, the
Creator talks about this in Yermeyahu (sn-
Jeremiah) 23:26, 27:
“Till when shall it be in the heart of the prophets? –
the prophets of falsehood and prophets of the
deceit of their own heart, who try to make My
people forget My Name by their dreams which
everyone relates to his neighbor, as their fathers
forgot My Name for Baal.”
Not only have most forgot and not known His
Name, but they've substituted it for pagan names-
"Baal" and "God." Are you ready for a shocker? Just
look at what the definitions for "Baal" and "God"
Hebrew- ba'al, lord, "Baal" definition: "Lord" (Per
Webster's Dictionary).
Baal- lord. (1.) The name appropriated to the
principal male "god" of the Phoenicians.
Our Creator has a Name, and it's certainly not
"LORD" (Baal). Many will get upset by finding this
out and react in several ways, but this can be easily
proven (We'll provide you with access to our
advanced research that will prove this beyond a
shadow of a doubt).
GOD- According to Encyclopaedia Britannica, GOD is
the common Teutonic word for a personal object of
religious worship, applied to all the superhuman
beings of the heathen mythologies. The word "god"
on the conversion of the Teutonic races to
"christianity" was adopted as the name of the One
Supreme Being. Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics
and Webster's Twentieth Century Dictionary agree
that the origin is Teutonic paganism.
Names give IDENTITY.
i·den·ti·ty [ahy-den-ti-tee, i-den-] -noun
1. the condition of being oneself or itself, and not
2. condition or character as to who a person or
what a thing is.
3. the state or fact of being the same one as
The actual word "Name" not only means "character
and reputation" but also a literal written and spoken
word (name).
Strong's gives the definition of the Hebrew word
"shem" which is translated as "name" all throughout
scripture as:
Strong's # 8034 Shem; a primitive word [perhaps
rather from 7760 through the idea of definite and
conspicuous position; compare 8064]; an
appellation, as a MARK or memorial of individuality;
by implication honor, authority, character: - + base,
[in-] fame[-ous], name[-d], renown, report.
It's standard that when we meet someone the first
thing we want to know is their name. Most of the
time parents give their children a name even before
they are born. Imagine parents deciding that a name
wasn't important and therefore making the choice
not to name their child! That would be ludicrous.
Have you ever been around someone for a bit and
they kept calling you the wrong name? It's annoying,
isn't it?
Now, imagine how our Creator feels being that most
of the world doesn't know or care to know His
name! Yet Scripture says in Yeshayahu (sn- Isaiah)
"Therefore My people shall know My Name..."
If you want to be His people, then you must know
His Name. Most of the world calls Him by a
generic title like "God" or "LORD." What most don't
know is that this has been intentionally done by the
"Holy Roman Church," as well as perpetuated by
many "Jewish Rabbis." As a matter of fact, the
Creator talks about this in Yermeyahu (sn-
Jeremiah) 23:26, 27:
“Till when shall it be in the heart of the prophets? –
the prophets of falsehood and prophets of the
deceit of their own heart, who try to make My
people forget My Name by their dreams which
everyone relates to his neighbor, as their fathers
forgot My Name for Baal.”
Not only have most forgot and not known His
Name, but they've substituted it for pagan names-
"Baal" and "God." Are you ready for a shocker? Just
look at what the definitions for "Baal" and "God"
Hebrew- ba'al, lord, "Baal" definition: "Lord" (Per
Webster's Dictionary).
Baal- lord. (1.) The name appropriated to the
principal male "god" of the Phoenicians.
Our Creator has a Name, and it's certainly not
"LORD" (Baal). Many will get upset by finding this
out and react in several ways, but this can be easily
proven (We'll provide you with access to our
advanced research that will prove this beyond a
shadow of a doubt).
GOD- According to Encyclopaedia Britannica, GOD is
the common Teutonic word for a personal object of
religious worship, applied to all the superhuman
beings of the heathen mythologies. The word "god"
on the conversion of the Teutonic races to
"christianity" was adopted as the name of the One
Supreme Being. Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics
and Webster's Twentieth Century Dictionary agree
that the origin is Teutonic paganism.