What do animals that are described in the Scripture as "Unclean" have in common? They are scavengers. They eat carrion (dead and decaying flesh and excrement).
These animals are much more likely to contain parasites and high levels of toxins in their bodies. By avoiding these as foods, we also avoid ingesting their toxic waste and unwelcome guests (parasites). Animals described in the Scripture as "Clean" are those that chew the cud and have split hoofs.
What they have in common is that they are vegetarians,digest food thoroughly, do not eat carrion. Similarly, birds that are not labeled "Unclean" and fish that have fins and scales are not scavengers and therefore make better food choices.
FACT: Arthropod Scavengers the decomposers of the Earth not fit for human consumption.
They were meant for the consummation of the dead rotten flesh to keep the earth clean of corruption.also,they are fluid sucking parasites that spread sicknesses and death.
Who would think eating a cockroach?
Yet the Shrimp is considered the cockroach of the sea in the Arthropod family, along with the crabs, lobsters, flea,tick, mosquito, spider etc... To consume these creatures as food is an invitation for all manner of disease,allergies, and sickness.
Eating Pork?
In most modern farms, pigs are fed the most of foods. On the biggest farms the largest pigs are fed rotten eggs and chickens that died from disease.
Sometimes,pigs are kept in batteries where only a few pigs get the food. The rest of the pigs get only droppings, which are extremely toxic. Any tissue from these animals makes them very unclean indeed.
Pigs have very high histamine levels. The connective tissue is very rich in sulfur, leading to increased blood acidity and osteoporosis because of the loss of calcuim along with sulfates. Research indicates that high sulfate levels, especially in meat-rich diets are responsible for osteoporosis.
Research found that at the time when pigs leaves the farm, 56% of all pork samples are contaminated with Salmonella. When "Clean" animals leave the farm, only 15% of the meat is contaminated. When the pig meat leaves the abattoir 80% is contaminated,and when it reaches the butcher the level of contamination is virtually 100%. The clean animals have only 40% contamination level by this stage.
The pig is certainly responsible for much disease,
Many people are allergic to pork because of the high histamine levels,and pork also encourages the formation of excessive amount of mucous in our bodoes.
YaHUaH warns us in Leviticus11:26 to not even touch the carcass of a pig.
Pigs have high levels of bacteria such as Campylobacteria and Salmonella.
---- And the pig,because it parts the hoof and is cloven-foofed but does not chew the cud,is Unclean to you. You shall not eat any of their flesh,and you shall not touch their carcasses; they are unclean to you.
Isaiah 66:17
-----Those who sanctify and purify themselves to go into the gardens,following one in the midst, eating pig's flesh,and the abomination mice,shall come to an end together, declares YaHUaH.
In most modern farms, pigs are fed the most of foods. On the biggest farms the largest pigs are fed rotten eggs and chickens that died from disease.
Sometimes,pigs are kept in batteries where only a few pigs get the food. The rest of the pigs get only droppings, which are extremely toxic. Any tissue from these animals makes them very unclean indeed.
Pigs have very high histamine levels. The connective tissue is very rich in sulfur, leading to increased blood acidity and osteoporosis because of the loss of calcuim along with sulfates. Research indicates that high sulfate levels, especially in meat-rich diets are responsible for osteoporosis.
Research found that at the time when pigs leaves the farm, 56% of all pork samples are contaminated with Salmonella. When "Clean" animals leave the farm, only 15% of the meat is contaminated. When the pig meat leaves the abattoir 80% is contaminated,and when it reaches the butcher the level of contamination is virtually 100%. The clean animals have only 40% contamination level by this stage.
The pig is certainly responsible for much disease,
Many people are allergic to pork because of the high histamine levels,and pork also encourages the formation of excessive amount of mucous in our bodoes.
YaHUaH warns us in Leviticus11:26 to not even touch the carcass of a pig.
Pigs have high levels of bacteria such as Campylobacteria and Salmonella.
---- And the pig,because it parts the hoof and is cloven-foofed but does not chew the cud,is Unclean to you. You shall not eat any of their flesh,and you shall not touch their carcasses; they are unclean to you.
Isaiah 66:17
-----Those who sanctify and purify themselves to go into the gardens,following one in the midst, eating pig's flesh,and the abomination mice,shall come to an end together, declares YaHUaH.