The Roman Piso
The Roman Piso theory is a pseudohistorical theory of the origins of Christianity. It states that a conspiracy of well-educated Romans — the Piso family — wrote the New Testament, and particularly the Gospels, as a social control mechanism. Its advocates call it "The New Classical Scholarship". Nobody else takes it seriously.[1]
The theory originated in Bruno Bauer's Christus und Caesaren (Christ and the Caesars) from 1877, which claimed that the Romans had authored the New Testament and that Josephus Flavius was the inventor of Jesus.[2]The Pisos are also claimed to have invented the Christian calendar,[3] rather than it having been proposed around 525 and adopted in the 800s.[4]Joseph Atwill,[5] in Caesar's Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus, claims that the events of Jesus' ministry in the Gospels parallel the military campaigns of Titus Flavius in Josephus' Wars of the Jews. Atwill's theory is based on Bible Code-style pareidolia applied to the four canonical Gospels (ignoring the forty-plus others) and apparently only in English translation (his claimed puns don't work in the original Greek). Conspiracy connoiseurs will delight at Atwill's explanation:[6]
The True Authorship of the New Testament
“Let’s see, a story that starts with fishing for men and has a human Passover lamb and a crucifixion scene where one survives out of three and concludes with the condemning of Simon and the sparing of John. Gee, what story could that be?” - Joseph Atwill on the 'Judean War' by Flavius Josephus
Professor Bruno Bauer, in his work of 1877 "Christ and the Caesars", stated that he had concluded that the Romans had authored the New Testament and that Flavius Josephus was the inventor of Jesus.
James Ballantyne Hannay next wrote about the Roman authorship of the New Testament in his 1925 work "The Rise, Decline & Fall of the Roman Religion (Christianity)."
Abelard Reuchlin found the key to unraveling just who the actual authors were, and that the authors were to be found in the Roman Piso family, who were a part of the Piso/Flavian dynasty. He authored a booklet that came out in 1979 and is available from The Roman Piso Homepage.
In 2003 Joseph Atwill discovered that the Roman emperor Titus Flavius, working with Flavius Josephus and other authors in his patrimony wrote the New Testament. Atwill deduced this by comparing The 'Judean War' to the New Testament. The 'Judean War', written by Flavius Josephus, was originally part of the Christian Bible, and was removed around 1100 CE. 'The Roman Origin of Christianity', released as 'Caesar's Messiah' by Joseph Atwill documents the creation of the New Testament as a Roman satire devised to win over Judean dissidents by deceiving them into believing that the emperor Titus Flavius Vespasiani was Jesus! I know, it sounds strange, but that seems to be the way it was. Titus took great pleasure in calling himself "the greatest forger in history."
There are now several million persons who know about the Piso Theory, Atwill's book and the true authorship of the New Testament. This page is dedicated to the ongoing discussion, discovery and presentation of deductive proofs that establish, as much as possible, the authorship and motives for the creation of the New Testament.
Forget everything you may have learned in Sunday School. The New Testament was written by Roman patricians, among them The Calpurnius Piso family that was descended from one of the generals in the army of Alexander the Great. The family included such famous people as Cleopatra, the Ptolemys, Pythagoras, Flavius Josephus, and the Roman Emperor Titus Flavius Vespasiani.
The great temple at Jerusalem was built by Herod the Great, and utterly destroyed in 70 CE by Titus Flavius Vespasiani. Of course nobody knew it was the year 70 in 70. That date had to be invented by somebody. The Christian calendar set the date at 70, and you will see that it is probable that the Pisos (operating as Church Fathers) created the Christian calendar. Apparently the Pisos were obsessed with Julius Caesar, evidence of which you will see repeatedly in the following text.
It is certain that the Roman emperor Vespasian captured the city of Jerusalem for Rome in 66 CE (Common Era), and the Roman emperor Titus Flavius Vespasiani (the son of Vespasian), destroyed the temple there in 70 CE. In fact, both Zela (religious center of Pontus) and Jerusalem were the sites of temples that were destroyed: Julius Caesar destroyed the one in Zela in 47 BCE. The Piso family were aristocrats whose ancestry traced from Zela.
Julius Caesar was an in-law of the Piso family. His wife, Calpurnia, was a Piso. He had married her to cement an alliance with Pontus. When Cleopatra, also a Piso relative, seduced Caesar, it is possible that she was conspiring with her relative Pharnaces II, king of Pontus, to distract Caesar while Pharnaces prepared to wage war against Rome. But Caesar got wind of the activities of Pharnaces and rushed to Pontus with two legions, one of which was almost entirely composed of Judeantroops. Caesar turned the tables on Pharnaces. That defeat probably led to Caesar's assassination, and the eternal hatred of Caesar by the people of Pontus. There is no new historical information here. It is well known that Caesar took two legions from Alexandria to conquer Pontus in 47 CE.
Three years later, Julius Caesar was stabbed to death by Roman senators in the Forum. Several of the conspirators were Piso family members or close relatives.
As an illustration of just one of the hidden messages that exist in the New Testament, consider Revelation 1:7 "Behold, he cometh with clouds, and every eye shall see him; even they who have pierced him." He comes, they see, and they pierce him.
Caesar went to Pontus, they saw him coming in a cloud of dust, and as a result of this they pierced him to death.
There is actually much more in that little verse, but we will leave that for later discussion. This is just one small example of the hidden messages that exist in the New Testament and can be decrypted by a simple cipher based on the phrase VENI VIDI VICI. The infamous number 666, for example, is simply VIVIVI, which refers to VenI VidI VicI. Oh yes, you will say that 666 is really DCLXVI. Yes, it is, but it also can cleverly be represented as VIVIVI. Believe it or not; it really isn't that important, but it's an interesting possibility.
Imagine having the power to set the date of origin of the calendar! This was the kind of power held by the Roman aristocracy. Julius Caesar had changed the calendar himself. With the advice of Cleopatra's astrologer, Caesar had added four extra months to the year 46 BCE. This is the reason that the Piso/Flavians changed the calendar too. It was a kind of "one-upsmanship" on a grand scale.
A major reason to suspect that the New Testament was written for purposes that are not obvious at face value is the presence of multiple meanings, obvious jokes and mysterious number relationships. If the books were divinely inspired, one would assume that nothing would be hidden, unless the divine inspiration itself were somehow deceptive. If deceptive, then how could one trust such a deity? There are more than a few number games and double meanings in the text of the New Testament, as you will see. In fact, there seem to be two ways to read the New Testament: As a common person and as a member of the aristocracy. There are dual meanings to almost every verse; one for the Judean rebels and one for the royals.
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